Sales Forecasting Software for your Enterprise

StrataView is a collaborative forecasting and sales analysis system specifically designed to allow your organization to forecast sales and to analyze your business.  Sharing that business knowledge is just as important and our software allows  sales, orders, forecast, budget, promotions, competitive data, cost and any other data across your organization.

Analyze and forecast your business at any level. Forecast in any units, any equivalent factor or any currency and automatically convert back into the others.

With StrataView, Forecasting, Budgeting and Profitability Analysis have never been easier.  And your entire enterprise can share that knowledge.

    Now the power of our enterprise forecasting software is available for even small business.  If your business depends upon an accurate sales forecast and you are not producing one, then give us a call.  Our software will enable your team to analyze and forecast your sales, not stand in your way.
    ©2006 Goddard Information Systems Limited.
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StrataView is a registered trademark of Goddard Information Systems Limited